Dec 31, 2012

Holiday Blues, Greens, Reds and Fun

(Lydia's Christmas Dress made by Gramma)

Having the kids home for 2 and a half weeks is both fun and exhausting.  Not "having" to get up early to get them ready for school is nice, but my youngest does not yet know the meaning of "sleeping in" so I still do not get to truly rest or sleep in over the holidays.  Instead, I am more homebound than ever since it is harder to go shopping or run errands with 3 kids than with 1 or none, and I have to be more creative to find ways to keep them active and happy without getting in arguments with each other frequently.

And, having them "do chores" during their break seems to make them very cranky!  lol

So - how to keep them happy, me happy and not have the house destroyed over these FUN holiday times?

A few of My ideas:

1) have them play with only a few new toys at a time - getting a new one out each day instead of opening all the packages all at once.
2) play fun things like play dough and painting that we only do occasionally
3) play games together - like Chutes & Laddars, Qwirkle, Uno and other fun games that all 3 ages can enjoy
4) have grown up "movie time" with the big kid(s) while the younger ones watch an appropriate movie elsewhere in the house.
5) plan a fun but simple craft and have the older kids help the younger one(s)
6) make cookies or a fun treat together

Kids' Christmas Picture 2010

**What ideas do YOU have for entertaining the young ones over school break?

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